Best Educational App
Development Company

Get the talented app developers in India to enhance creative work and provide opportunities for companies to explore the possibilities of educational apps. Our app developers teamwork in high-spirit with your ideas to create an immersive future, which is passion-driven and we aim to bring a tech revolution in India with the potential to revolutionize every aspect of educational app development. The apps are developed by a team of hardworking app developers across India which are optimized to swiftly grow your enhanced experience. With the best of cut edge technologies used, we create the best educational apps around Delhi.

Companies who have built their
Educational Apps

Google Classroom icon

Google Classroom is the ultimate solution to all educational problems. Google classroom is essentially a virtual classroom of sorts.

edx icon

Well, if you got edX on your phone, nothing will stop you from achieving those dreams. edX brings these universities to your fingertips.

Khan academy icon

Khan Academy invariably secures a top spot on the list of the best free educational apps for students. The app’s mission is to provide a free and world-class education for all.

Duolingo icon

Duolingo has made language learning a cakewalk. It helps us learn many languages like English, French, Spanish, Mandarin, Latin, etc. in a fun and interactive way.

Remind app icon

Remind app is the ultimate answer to this problem. Remind facilitates us to stay connected with our school community.

photomath icon

Now anyone can learn to solve any complex math problems very easily using an app called Photomath. Many statistics have listed Photomath as one of the best learning apps for students.

Want to educate others, Learn the skill to Make your dreams come true.


The best thing about these apps is it can be accessed from anywhere in the world and anytime. These apps make education convenient and easy. You need not travel a long distance. You can study even if you are not feeling well just lying on your couch.

Covers distance

The benefit of online learning is it reduces distance, thus you can access the same content or tests at the same or different times. Distance is not an issue in e-learning. It also makes the content available for 24x7. Hence makes students revise and learn all day long.


E-learning brings variety as a lot of content is present online. Due to its variety, it becomes easier for people to access it and also people from different corners of the world can access it for different topics or related to different subjects. The learning is unstoppable online. You just need a passion to learn, nothing is going to stop you. You can learn any topic any day anytime and that too anywhere.

Encourages students

Educational apps use online quizzes to keep track of your progress. The study is presented in such a way that it attracts the students, thus there are game quizzes that encourage students to perform better from their previous score. It makes the education system more interactive and allows the student a chance to improve and do better.

We at Daphnis Labs in Delhi understand that creating educational applications in India is still a challenge and so we offer you with the best app developers in India who develop these educational apps which can take your company to greater heights. Our team of educational professionals possesses the best of skills along with a deep understanding of existing technologies that can be used to create educational app development across multiple platforms. We aim to bring revolution through our work and create a Better Tomorrow.

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experience Supremacy.


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